Ahalia School of Engineering & Technology

Women Development Cell

The following faculty members are nominated as members of the Women Development Cell of the College for two years , with effect from 01-10-2024.

Sl. No.CompositionName and Designation of the member
1ChairpersonMs. Sunitha K G, Asst. Prof. S&H Dept.
2ConvenerMs. Sowmya S, AP, EEE(custodian of minutes)
3Co ConvenorMs. Preeja V, AP, S&H Dept
4MembersMs. Prabha R, AP, S&H Dept.
Ms. Sangeetha P S, AP, S&H Dept.
Ms. Divya Mohan, AP, ECE
Ms. Krishnapriya S , CE
Ms. Happy A, AP, CSE
Ms. Bindu Valoor, Academics Manager –