The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Centre (IEDC) in Ahalia School of Engineering and Technology is an initiative of Kerala Startup Mission under Startup Bootcamp Scheme of Government of Kerala. Under this scheme, financial assistance is given to selected colleges for supporting innovative products and thereby build an entrepreneurial eco-system inside the campus. The mission of the IEDCs is to “develop institutional mechanism to create entrepreneurial culture in academic institutions to foster growth of innovation and entrepreneurship amongst the faculty and students “. The IEDC in ASET frequently organizes programs in collaboration with Directorate of Industries and Commerce (DIC), Palakkad, Govt. of Kerala, Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII), Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE).
1. To act as an institutional mechanism for providing various services including information on all aspects of enterprise building to budding S&T entrepreneurs.
2. To create Entrepreneurial culture in the Parent Institution and other institutions in the region
3. To inculcate a culture of innovation driven entrepreneurship through student projects.
1. To organise Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps, Entrepreneurship Development Programmes, Faculty Development Programmes and Skill Development Programmes in the college/institution for the benefit of S&T persons.
2. To initiate two innovative student projects each year for new innovative product development.
3. To guide and assist prospective entrepreneurs on various aspects such as preparing project reports, obtaining project approvals, loans and facilities from agencies of support system, information on technologies, etc.
4. To arrange interaction with entrepreneurs and create a mentorship scheme for student entrepreneurs.
5. To arrange industrial visit to understand the present problems faced by the industry and propose innovative solutions.
6. To act as a Information Centre on business opportunities, processes, technologies, market, etc.
To Know more check the link IEDC ASET
IEDC EXCOM 2024 – 25
Lead 1
What’s New
- Visit to Incubation Centre, Govt. Poly College Palakkad
- Workshop On “Budding Entrepreneurs”
- Startup Development Insights
- Entrepreneurship Insights
- A Startup Development Workshop
- From Ideas To Impact
- IEDC ASET Students Attend IEDC Summit ’24 at NIT Calicut
- IEDC Orientation Session For Freshers
- World Entrepreneur’s Day
- One day training program on AutoCAD
- Session by Shri. Mohn Murti
- IEDC Workshop on ‘Arduino and Python GUI Interface’
- Workshop on Artificial Intelligence
- Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights and Patent Filing
- Workshop on Design Thinking and Innovation
- Inauguration of Idea Box Initiative
- Inauguration of Library’s Digital Display Board
- IEDC Executive Committee 2022-23
- A Talk on “VANDE BHARAT EXPRESS – A Game Changer in the Semi High Speed Rail Sector”
- Utkarsh 2022