Green 9 ENSAV club of Ahalia School of Engineering and Technology, participated in the Second International Conclave SDG 71 organized by the Institute of Green Engineer’s from 13 to 16 May 2022, a 20 hours programme for four days.
ASET Green9 ENSAV club presented the events organized by the club on 14th May 7 pm to 8pm.The programme begin with a beautiful instrumental prayer song from Pramod Krishna P of 3rd year EEE ASET. Followed by a Welcome address by Jamsheer of 4th year EEE. Dr Murugananth Gopal Raj, Professor & HOD EEE, ASET, presented a session on “Writing an effective home energy audit report – Means and Methods”. Following the presentation, Mr. Arjun of 2nd Year EEE, reported the activities conducted by ASET EnSAV club for the past years 2020-21 & 2021-22. A short film based on energy conservation done by students of 3rd year EEE was presented in the conclave. Followed by a beautiful violin presentation from Pranav of 1st year EEE. Then it was the time for presentation of various energy conservation activities and projects done by EnSAV members and student’s of 4th year EEE. Session on Wick farming, Vis-TEK and SDG 7and 13 based projects were also presented. Then future endeavours were presented by Adarsha of first year EEE. Ms Swathy MV,AP EEE ASET, proposed the vote of thanks. Vaishnavi and Gautham M of 3rd year EEE done the MOC. The event was coordinated by Mr. A. Manickavasagam, AP, EEE, ASET.