The department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of Ahalia school of Engineering and technology in association with the IEEE student branch of Ahalia school of Engineering and technology conducted a two – day workshop on Introduction to Arduino and Tinkercad on 16th and 17th August 2024. Workshop inaugurated by the Principal Dr. PR Suresh of Ahalia school of Engineering and technology. Dr. V Balamurugan Head of the department informed the students to fully utilize the opportunity. Ms. Swetha C Assistant professor and Mr. Sathyan P Senior lab instructor of department of electronics and communication Engineering of Ahalia School of Engineering and Technology conducted the 2 day workshop on VLSI lab of the department. Fifth semester students from the department participated in the workshop for 2 days. The students could fruitfully use the workshop to enhance their knowledge for their future. At the end of the last session students were asked to design a small project based on what they studied in previous sessions and one group was awarded with the best project