GREEN WALK saw participation from the volunteers of numerous NGOs, staff & students of Ahalia School of Engineering & Technology, Ahalia School of Commerce & Mathematics and the public.
The ESSAY WRITING competition was held on the topic ഇനിയും മരിക്കാത്ത ഭൂമി നിൻ ആസന്ന മൃതിയിൽ നിനക്കാത്മശാന്തി. Participants enthusiastically wrote the essay in the open green space inside the Palakkad Fort. The prizes will be announced and distributed at the Winners’ Rendezvous 2024 event at Ahalia Auditorium.
The topic of ELOCUTION competition was പ്രകൃതിയും മനുഷ്യനും. The first and second prizes were bagged by Sweatha P. of Vijayamatha Convent HSS, Chittur and Athira Babu of Cherupushpam Girls HSS, Vadakkanchery respectively.
The invited guests and organizers planted saplings inside the Fort. All the participants took the environment conservation oath.