International Yoga Day was celebrated at Ahalia School of Engineering and Technology on 21 June 2022 from 10 am to 12 pm in association with Physical Education Department and National Service Scheme Unit of ASET at Seminar Hall 1. The program started with prayer. Ms. Mithra P. C. delivered the Welcome Address. Then Dr. P. R Sreemahadevan Pillai, Principal ASET delivered the Presidential Address. After that the celebration was inaugurated by Shri. Vipin Chandran, Yogacharya, Sivanandasramam. He also led a session on yoga which contained deep insights about the application of yoga in human body followed by small breathing exercises which relaxes human body and mind. The program ended with Vote of Thanks by Ms. Naeema Nazeer. The second year students of Ahalia School of Engineering and Technology participated in the program.