Ahalia School of Engineering and technology organized its annual day celebrations followed by an elaborate dance and music party was held on Saturday 25th march 2023. It’s a matter of pride that the college is eminent for its excellent academic and extra-curricular standards. The college is committed to educate, enrich and excel
in imparting top quality professional education. The devoted teaching community of this college is the greatest asset of this college, who endeavor to mentor the students while striving continuously to improve through team work, innovation and research. The students who come to this college are among the top achievers at the school
and add further achievements to their credit. Railway Additional Divisional Manager Jayakrishnan inaugurated the college day at 9 am. Faculty members and students were felicitated for their academic achievements Sports and extra caricualr activities. Students who got highest percentage of marks in Semester examinations were given awards and merit certificates by the chief guest. This was followed by an art program by the students.




Presented on the annual day celebration on 25 March 2023
Ahalia School of Engineering and Technology started its journey in the year 2012 to impart quality education and research in the field of engineering and technology. In the same year we achieved an intake of 300, which was the maximum intake approved. Now we completed the 10th successful year. The college was initially affiliated to Calicut University, and from the year 2015, is affiliated to APJAKTU, Thiruvananthapuram.
The odd semester classes for the academic year 2022-23 began as follows: S7 – 13TH SEP 2022, S5 – 19TH SEP 2022, S3 – 12TH SEP 2022 and S1 – 25TH OCT 2022
The even semester classes commenced as follows: S8 – 30TH JAN 2023, S4 & S6 – 06TH FEB 2023 and S2 – 13th MARCH 2023.
The Admission process for the current year began well in advance in the month of Feb 2022, as booking enquiries to various departments were received from December 2021 itself. The classes for the first year started in the last week of October 2022 with an AICTE-mandated Student Induction Program (SIP) conducted from 18 to 26 November 2022. We conducted a bridge course also on Physics, chemistry, mathematics and basic engineering subjects for new entrants.
In the overall University results published during the year 2022-23 our college repeatedly had the highest pass percentage in Palakkad district, among private colleges. Aswathy S of CE Dept., 2019-23 batch secured 9.25 SGPA in the recently published university results of fifth semester. Bhavana A of the same semester CSE secured 9.0 SGPA, Arya R Krishna of ECE secured 8.83 SGPA, T V Naveen of ME SECURED 8.07 SGPA and Pramod Krishna P of EE SECURED 7.28 SGPA.
Arya R Krishna of ECE has been selected as the best outgoing student of 2023. Best outgoing students of other departments are Swetha S. (CE), Sreelakshmi M. Nair (ME), Jijith V. (EEE) and Sisira R. Nair (CSE).
Department of Civil Engineering Association of ASET celebrated National Pollution Control day on 2/12/22, Friday. The program started with an oath taking ceremony to inculcate in students, the need of pollution control in today’s world. A debate competition on the topic “Plastic has to be banned worldwide, why?” was given on the spot. Also, a poster design competition was conducted with theme “Reduce air pollution and regain your health”.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering organised a seminar on ‘Introduction to Blockchain Technology’ on 28.9.22 by Mr. Maharaj, Project Consultant, Blockchain and Cybersecurity, Buzzybee Technology, Coimbatore delivered the content of blockchain technology along with job opportunities and future scope.
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in association with the IEEE Student Branch, IEEE Women In Engineering AG of Ahalia School of Engineering and Technology organized a seminar on “GATEway to Excellent Career Opportunities” on 30 September 2022. The resource person was Mr. A. Saravanakumaran, Manager, GATE FORUM, Coimbatore.
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering arranged a talk on “VANDE BHARATH EXPRESS – A Game Changer in the Semi High Speed Rail Sector” on 13th October 2022. The resource person was Mr. K. Madhana Mohan, Chairman, IEI Palakkad Local Centre.
Department of Mechanical Engineering in association with CAD Centre Palakkad, conducted a workshop on ANSYS for final year Mechanical Engineering students from 04 April 2022 to 26 April 2022.
This year, as part of completing 10 years of service in the field of education in engineering, Decennial Anniversary Celebration was celebrated with great pomp from 27 July to 05 Aug 5 2022, organising Sports Day, Literary Day, Music Day, Arts Day and Dance Day. School children from all over Palakkad district participated in various events and cash prizes were distributed to the winners. A mini marathon was organized for the school children, in which more than 100 children participated.
Annual Athletic Meet “PILLAER OTTATHILANU” was conducted on May 7th 2022, in the ASET Ground. 14 separate Events were conducted for boys and girls. Nearly 300 students participated in these events and winners were awarded certificates and mementos and moreover the winners earned activity points which adds up to their university credits.
Hrithika R. (S2 CE, 2022-2026 batch) got 2nd place in junior district netball held at KHSS Palakkad. She participated in the junior state netball championship held at Kottayam; got 2nd place in senior district netball held at Vyasa Vidyapeethom, Palakkad, got 1st place in shot-put women category in the 62nd Palakkad district athletic championship, got 3rd place in APJAKTU e-zone tug of war championship held at Royal Engg. College Thrissur and is a reserve player in University tug of war women’s team.
Srijin. S (S6 ME, 2020-2024 batch) got 3rd place in APJAKTU inter-zone karate championship held at MA College of Engg., Kothamangalam, 1st place in open karate championship conducted by JSKA, was selected from APJAKTU e-zone kho kho championship for university team, participated in the APJAKTU ezone khokho championship held at GEC Thrissur, participated in the APJAKTU e-zone kabaddi championship held at NSS Engg. College, Palakkad. Ahalia arts festival for all Ahalia colleges was conducted in December 2022 and the students of ASET bagged two first places and two second places.
For the AY 2021-22, all students who preferred jobs were given at least one offer in various reputed companies. The present final year students are offered placements in Ahalia Group, IBM, TCS, Speridian Technologies, etc. Major companies that visited our campus and recruited our students this year include Cummins International, Trellious Technologies, Ahalia Group, Tessolve Semiconductors etc.
Various departments organised University Sponsored Faculty Development Programs during this academic year, as follows:
Department of Civil Engineering:
“Sustainable Materials in Civil Engineering” from 23.02.2023 – 25.02.2023.
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering:
“Future Scope of 5G Communications” from 18.01.2023 to 20.01.2023.
Department of Mechanical Engineering:
“Additive and Subtractive Manufacturing” from 09.01 to 11.01.2023.
Department of Science and Humanities:
“Advanced Graph Theory and its Applications” from 23.02 to 25.02.2023.
The college National Service Scheme Unit organised various social service activities in the current year. ASET got approval for a fully government aided National Service Scheme Unit of 50 strength from 2022 onwards. The Annual NSS Residential camp was held from 01.02.2023 to 7.02.2023 at Elappully Panchayat. Youth Against Alcohol and Drugs (YAAD) movement in the Ahalia Campus was coordinated by our NSS Unit.
Scores of social and outreach activities were conducted by our college in association with government organizations and NGOs. To name a few: voter awareness campaign in association with District Administration (for which we bagged the District Collector’s Trophy), comprehensive socio-economic-health survey of thousands of houses in Elappully in association with the Panchayath, planting of 800 saplings at Kerala Armed Police Camp, Onam Celebration in association with District Library, Kalpathy river protection activities in association with Friends of Bharathapuzha, Literary Day Celebration in association with Heritage Village, Honouring the war veterans on independence day in association with ex-service men association, Kisan Diwas celebration and honouring the farmers in association with OISCA International, etc. Scores other programmes – online and offline – including the celebration of national and international days of importance, were organized by the college our various fora and departments.
For enhancing the quality of engineering and technology field awareness of our students, they have to experience the working of industries. So Memorandum of Understanding were signed with various companies/industries; to name a few: IIT Palakkad Technology Hub Tech Foundation (IPTIF), Integrated Rural Technology Centre, Mundur, Steelmax Rolling Mills Ltd., Life Tree Agro Foods Pvt. Ltd.
College Library is maintaining a good ambience for the users with a good number of journals, online services, question paper repository, OPAC, etc. Campus Wi-Fi and the Campus LAN enable seamless connectivity.
The college has very active Parent-Teacher Association and Alumni Association, formed as per the University regulations. Both these meet often to transact and associate with the college activities.
A remarkable event in the college this year was that we submitted the SSR for NAAC Accreditation. Team comprising of our faculty members, HoDs, led by our IQAC Coordinator, Prof. & Head of the Dept. of Electrical and Electronics, Dr. Murugananth, with their dedicated efforts submitted the SSR and the NAAC Assessors visited the campus on 09 & 10 March on a two day visit. We are waiting for the accreditation final results to come out.
We are thankful to the Chairman of our Governing Body, Dr. V.S. Gopal, for the incessant guidance and support given to us. The employees of the sister concerns in Ahalia Group are always with us in any endeavor and we appreciate it with gratitude. The empowered staff and students of ASET are our real strength and I bow before their energy and enthusiasm. Let me express a word of gratitude to our Governing Council members, parents, alumni, their employers for the constant support we receive.