A Session on project based learning process

A Session on project based learning process

The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering and IEEE Student branch of  Ahalia School of Engineering & Technology is organized  a session on the topic project  based learning process for seventh semester students on 6th August 2024 at Design and Analysis Lab. Dr. V Balamurugan (HOD ECE) made the welcome speech.  The Session was inaugurated by Principal Dr. P R Suresh and he asked the students to utilize the opportunity fruitfully. Keynote speaker for the session was Prof. Vinod G , Professor and  Head of the  Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of NSS Engineering College, Palakkad.

He explained the various opportunities of doing projects in external agencies like C-DAC, ISRO, ITI LIMITED, etc. He made a clear idea about making a project into a product and how a student can make a paper for publication from a project. Students got an opportunity to understand the ways of making patents from their projects. Ms.Arya P R , and Ms. Anugragha M shared their feedback at the end of session. They commented that the one hour session was informative and helpful for the students. Session ended with a vote of thanks by Dr.V.Balamurugan.