Category: ece-achievements
Students Placed @ Telestation Pvt. Ltd., Kozhikkode
Abhishta S,, Nanditha Karthikeyan, Neethu Das H, Annika Murali, Anika Kumari, (CSE Department) Rohit murali, Khadija N, Anjana D, Nandana V, Sreelakshmi R(ECE Department), Abdul Vaheed A, AV Madulika(EEE Department), who got placed at Telestation Pvt. …
Outstanding Chapter Award
IEEE Education Society Kerala Chapter Chair, Dr. Leesha Paul( Professor ECE ASET) Receiving Outstanding Chapter Award at a function in Bangalore, Congratulations!
First Prize Hackathon
Mr. Amith Mathew Titus and Ms. Anugraha M of S8 ECE attended a hackathon at Jain University, Kochi and won the First Prize worth Rs. 25,000. The theme they presented for the hackathon was to …
Certified Faculties in NPTEL Courses July – October 2024
Congratulations to the faculty members who had completed NPTEL courses during July-October 2024 from various IIT’s Your hard work and dedication have truly paid off.
Palakkad District Athletic Championship
Abhishek K V S5 ECE Secured second prize in Javelin throw (Men Category) in the 64th Palakkad District Athletic Championship held at Palakkad Medical College Ground on 3rd October 2024 Congratulations!!!