The Civil Engineering Department of Ahalia School of Engineering and Technology organized a Demonstration Program on “Virtual Reality” on 22nd June 2022 at 3.15 PM. Mr. Sarath R. of sixth semester Civil Engineering gave the welcome address. The session was handled by Mr. Rajesh Babu, Centre Director, Ms. Beena Chilambath, Centre Head and Mr. Ajay Chandran, Technical Expert of Learn Tech IT Academy Palakkad. He spoke about the importance of Virtual Reality in Civil engineering and also discussed about softwares like Autocad 2D, Autocad 3D and Revit and gave a demonstration on Virtual Reality. Altogether it was a fruitful session that helped students in Virtual Reality exposure and to get an idea about career prospects in Virtual Reality. Ms. Aswathy S. of Fifth semester Civil Engineering gave the vote of thanks. 70 participants attended the event.