The inauguration of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS) Student Branch Chapter of Ahalia School of Engineering and Technology was held on 29 May 2021 virtually through Google meet. The function was attended by 161 participants (40 IEEE members). The Chief Guest for the occasion was Mr. Jayakrishnan T (Founder and CEO, ASIMOV Robotics Pvt. Ltd). He was accompanied by Dr. Jisha V. R. (Chair, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, Kerala chapter). The event began with the welcome speech by Mr. Anirudh K (Chair, IEEE RAS Student Branch Chapter) followed by the presidential address by Dr. P. R. Sreemahadevan Pillai (Principal, Ahalia School of Engineering and Technology). In his inaugural address, Mr. Jayakrishnan T. talked about the benefits and future scope of Robotics, necessity of enabling robotized intensive care unit, etc. Dr. Jisha V. R. spoke about the importance of Robotic concept in the present scenario and the activities of RAS Chapter in Kerala. Following the inaugural function, the felicitations were given by Dr. Krishna Kumar Kishor (IEEE Student Branch Chapter Counsellor and Vice Principal, Ahalia School of Engineering and Technology) and Prof. Aneesh. K (Advisor, RAS SBC, ASET). The ceremony concluded with vote of thanks by Mr. Sankulesh Narayanan M. (Vice Chair, IEEE RAS SBC).