The National Service Scheme unit of Ahalia School of Engineering and Technology observed the International Day Against Drug Abuse on 26th June 2021 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m in association with Excise Department Palakkad. The program started with NSS Song by Anjana R. (NSS volunteer). The welcome address was delivered by Swapna Radhakrishnan (NSS volunteer). The program was inaugurated by Dr. P. R. Sreemahadevan Pillai (Principal, ASET and Director-Ahalia Group of Academic Institutions). Then Dr. Krishna Kumar Kishor (Vice Principal, ASET) delivered the Presidential Address. After that Ms. Jyothsna Joerge (PTA Vice President) felicitated the gathering. The volunteers, students and staff took an oath against drug abuse. Students also presented various posters and messages in which they swore not to use any kind of drugs in their life. At 6.00 p.m., the Chief Guest Mr. Sathish P.K, Circle Inspector of Excise, Anti-Narcotic Squad, Palakkad, led the session on anti-narcotics. He explained various measures taken by the Excise Department to stop the use of drugs in the District. He also shared the number 155358, for reporting any unauthorized access of drugs. After the session, Akshaya A. (NSS volunteer) delivered the vote of thanks. The program ended with the National Anthem.