Knowing More About IEEE

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Knowing More About IEEE

The IEEE Student Branch in association with IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) SB AG and IEEE APS SBC, Ahalia School of Engineering and Technology. Palakkad conducted an orientation session titled “Knowing More about IEEE” on 8th August 2020. It was a one hour session that started at 7 p.m. The session was handled by Mr. Feny Roy, IEEE India Council Webinar Coordinator and IEEEXtreme 14.0 Section Lead. 15 IEEE members attended the session. The speaker shared his experiences in IEEE and also gave a small introduction about IEEE Xtreme programing competition. It was a very interactive session and it covered topics like what is IEEE, when did it begin, why we need IEEE. He also explained about the responsibilities as an IEEE member and also about getting involved in various activities and networking. The event was coordinated by Ms. Vishnupriya K. of 4th year ECE.