Learn the art of report writing with latex overleaf

Learn the art of report writing with latex overleaf

The department of Electronics and Communication Engineering of Ahalia school of Engineering and technology in association with the IEEE student branch of Ahalia school of Engineering and technology conducted a session on Learn the art of report writing with latex overleaf

on 16th october 2024 from 10.00 am to 12.20 pm.  Dr.Krishna Kumar Kishor, Vice Principal ,Associate Professor of Ahalia school of engineering and technology conducted a  two hour technical session  at the Design and analysis lab of the college. Session started with a prayer by students. An inaugural speech was delivered by IEEE student representative Mohammed Raeed. Seventh semester students from the department participated in the session to improve  their ability to write reports. The session covered almost all aspects of overleaf to collaborate documentation using latex.The students could fruitfully use the session  to enhance their knowledge for their future.  Dr. V Balamurugan, Head of the department gave vote thanks to the session.