The IQAC team of Ahalia School of Engineering and Technology presented the ASET NAAC Self Study Report for review by all stakeholders on 23 April 2022. All staff members of ASET, representatives from other Ahalia academic institutions, Operations The manager and Finance Manager attended the presentation. The event was presided over by Dr. P. R. Sreemahadevan Pillai, Principal, ASET. The felicitation address was offered by Dr. Krishna Kumar Kishor, Vice Principal, ASET. Dr. G. Murugananth, Prof. and Head, Dept. of EEE, welcomed the audience. Dr. John Alexis, Professor, ME offered the vote of thanks. All seven criteria were presented by the following criteria coordinators;
Criterion 1: Prof. Sruthi Vishwanath, AP, EEE
Criterion 2: Prof. Aneesh, AP, ECE and Prof. Dheeraj, AP, ME
Criterion 3: Prof. Divya Mohan, AP, ECE
Criterion 4: Prof. Roshan Sanu Y., AP, CSE
Criterion 5: Prof. Prabha, AP, SH
Criterion 6: Prof. Neethu John, AP, CE
Criterion 7: Prof. Vivek Gopi, AP, ME