IEEE MALABAR HUB organized an Hub wise event “Revamp 2.0“ as a part of the SSBR initiative on 29th June, 2024 at Ahalia School of Engineering and Technology.The event was conducted with the aim of inspiring and energizing other inactive IEEE student Branches. We mainly focused on Vice Chairs and MDCs, but other Execom members of various colleges under Malabar Hub attended the event. The event was inaugurated by Dr. Vasanthi, Chair,IEEE IA/IE/PELS Jt. Chapter Kerala,Professor EEE DEPARTMENT NSS College of Engineering, Palakkad.The first session was taken by Aswathi T(Membership development Coordinator, IEEE LINK) and the second session was taken byDEVANG CV (CO-TREASURER ,Co-HSR Malabar Hub,IEEE LINK) . And also conducted a Ice breaking session in the beginning of the event. It was very interactive.
Program aimed:
Interaction between EXECOM members from each SB
- Introduction of new scopes and growth of IEEE
- Membership development