Department of EEE and IEDC ASET organized a Technical Talk on “Practical Aspects of Installing Solar Roof Top Residential PV Systems” on 27th June 2022. The program was attended by 1st ,2nd and 3 rd year students and faculties of EEE department of ASET. The resource person for the technicaltalk was DR. C. Pradip, Associate Professor (EEE),NSS College of Engineering, Palakkad. The main objective of the technical talk was to developthe idea of design and installation of solar roof top residential PV systems and the factors related to be consider while installing residential solar systems. Overall the session was effective for all the participants. Coordinators of the program were Dr. G Murugananth-HoD, EEE, Ms. Sruthi Viswanath, AP, EEE, Ms. Swathy M V, AP, EEE. Overall 60 people attended the program.