Tech Talk Series on ‘What to do after 12th Standard?’ was organized in association with IEEE, ISTE Ahalia Chapter, IEDC, IIC, ASET IQAC, ASET NDLI CLUB on 27 April 2022. Dr. P. R. Sreemahadevan Pillai, Principal, ASET & Director, Ahalia Group Academic Institutions was the resource person. He had been offering career guidance sessions for school and college students for decades. In this interactive session, students and parents asked course and career-specific questions, which were clarified in detail by the resource person. 100 participants joined the session which included the students from various schools in India and abroad. The event was presided over by Dr. Binoy Balan, HoD, S&H Department, ASET. Ms. Hardhi S., Secretary, ASET Alumni Association offered the welcome address. Ms. Bindu Valoor, Manager Academics Outreach, Ahalia Group, expressed the vote of thanks. Tech Talk Series is an initiative of Ahalia School of Engineering and Technology, Palakkad, which explores relevant topics that prompts the participants to ponder deep, thereby igniting critical as well as creative thinking.