The Civil Engineering Department of Ahalia School of Engineering and Technology organized a Webinar on topic “Construction by Concrete 3D Printing – Possibilities and Challenges” on 13th August 2021 at 3.00 PM. Ms. Swapna Radhakrishnan of Fourth semester Civil Engineering gave the welcome address. The presidential address was delivered by Dr. P. R. Sreemahadevan Pillai, Principal, Ahalia School of Engineering and Technology. The webinar was presented by Dr. A. V. Rahul, Post-Doctoral fellow, Ghent university, Belgium. He spoke about the technical aspects and importance of 3D printing used in the modern construction industry. He also gave an insight into the method of construction using 3D Printing technology and mentioned about the current researches on 3D Printing in Reinforced Structures. The session was wrapped up by handing over a virtual memento to the resource person by Ms. Kripa K M, HoD, Department of Civil Engineering.117 participants attended the event.