The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, organized a series of webinars on various topics related to recent trends in electrical engineering from 21-05-2020 to 23-05-2020. Target audiences were students, faculty members, research scholars and industry persons from various institutions and organizations across the country. Webinars were conducted through Google Meet platform on those three dates as two sessions. Forenoon session was held at 10.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. and afternoon at 4.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. every day. More than 250 participants registered and attended the webinars from various corners of the country. Participants submitted their feedback through online. Few participants expressed their views at the end of the live sessions. Resource persons and the organizing team acknowledged the feedback of the participants. The programme was organized by the team headed by Dr. Murugananth Gopal Raj, Prof. & Head, assisted by Mr. A. Manickavasagam, Assistant Professor, EEE Department. The students’ team comprised of Ms. Ambili, Ms. Ayana Udhayabhaskar & Namitha, S8 EEE, Ms. Saranya & Mr. Akhil, S6 EEE and Mr. Arjun & Mr. Jamsheer, S4 EEE. The details of session held are as follows:
Day-1 (21/5/2020) Session-1 (Design of PV Systems for Domestic Consumers): Prof. C. Pradip, EEE Dept., NSS College of Engg., Palakkad, handled the session on the topic “Design of PV Systems for Domestic Consumers”. In the lecture, the fundamental principles of solar photo voltaic systems and the design of the same for a residential house were taught by the resource person to the participants.
Day-1 (21/5/2020) Session-2 (Data Analytics – An Overview): Basics of data analytics, need for it, the tools used, applications in academics, retail market, day to day life activities and usage in electrical engineering were discussed. Dr. S. Gunasekaran, Prof. & Head, CSE Dept., Ahalia School of Engineering and Technology, Palakkad handled the session.
Day-2 (22/5/2020) Session-1 (IoT for Bio – Medical Applications): Internet of Things (IoT) is a boon to human life. It has wide applications in various engineering sectors that makes human life sophisticated. Dr. P. Santhosh, EEE Dept., Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore explained the various developments in the field of bio-medical engineering. He also illustrated the working of technology behind IoT enabled surgical systems.
Day-2 (22/5/2020) Session-2 (Fundamentals of Blockchain Technology): Blockchain is the technology behind secure money transfer. Cryptocurrency transactions are being done via this technology. Mr. Anand Haridas, Asst. Professor, CSE Dept., Ahalia School of Engineering and Technology, Palakkad, gave the learners an insight of this technology. The basic building blocks, the working principle of it and applications towards electrical engineering were demonstrated by the resource person .
Day-3 (23/5/2020) Session-1 (Programmable Logic Controllers – Industry Perspective): Dr. C. S. Subash Kumar, EEE Department, PSG Institute of Technology & Applied Research trained the participants with hands on to programme the PLCs using Ladder Programming. He explained the architecture of various PLCs and their industrial applications. Participants eagerly underwent the training session and gained knowledge on working with PLCS.
Day-3 (23/5/2020) Session-2 (IoE – Internet of Energy): IoE – Internet of Energy is the future of electrical power. The developments happening in the power sector as smart grids and application of IoT technology were explained by Dr. Murugananth Gopal Raj, Prof. & Head, EEE Dept., Ahalia School of Engg. & Tech, Palakaad. IoE puts emphasis on the usage of PV systems, captures the information from sensors used in PV systems with the help of PLCS and SCADA systems as secure data and transfers it through IoT and blockchain technology by analyzing the data from it.