On 02/06/22 Ahalia School of Engineering and Technology organized the Farewell Day for the batch of 2018-22. It was an evening dedicated to rejuvenating all the memories of college life. The program started with a prayer by Ms. Soumya M. Assistant Professor. CSE, ASET. The Welcome address was given by Dr. B. Balamurugan, HoD ECE Department. The Presidential Address was given by Dr. P. R. Sreemahadevan Pillai (Principal, ASET), and Dr. Krishna Kumar Kishor (Vice-Principal) and Prof. Prakash (HoD Mechanical) gave the felicitation addresses. Students and staff shared their experiences spent on the campus and also gave a quick review of the memories they cherish from the campus. As a token of appreciation, a memento was also distributed to all the toppers of the departments. Miss Kavya Mukundan of S8 ECE proposed the vote of thanks. The program was successfully organized by the College Students Council.