Ahalia School of Engineering and Technology conducted Graduation Day Ceremony on 15 th August 2022 for 2016-20, 2017-21 and 2018-22 batches at Ahalia Auditorium, Ahalia Campus, Palakkad, in the presence of around 700 well-wishers. Dr. Preman Dinaraj, Chairman of the Kerala State Power & Infrastructure Finance Corporation LTD., attended the event as the chief guest. The function started with the procession led by the Graduands, faculty members, HoDs, followed by the Chief Guest and Dr. P. R. Sreemahadevan Pillai, Principal, ASET. The welcome address was delivered by Dr. Krishna Kumar Kishor, Vice Principal, ASET and the Presidential Address by the Dr. P. R. Sreemahadevan Pillai, Principal, ASET . All of the graduating students
took the Engineer’s Oath under the direction of Dr. John Alexis S, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering. The Chief Guest congratulated all the
graduands during the inaugural address and the memento distribution ceremony held where all the students are individually awarded mementos by the Chief Guest. Dr. Binoy Balan, HoD, S&H delivered vote of thanks. Batch wise and Dept. wise photo session were held. The function ends with national anthem.

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