YAAD (Youth against alcohol and drugs), Ahalia Group of Institutions, organised an Anti Drug awareness program in accordance with “Laharimuktha Keralam”campaign by the Government of Kerala, on 1st November 2022. The programme started with an Anti Drug awareness rally which included all students and staff of all Ahalia Institutions. It started from Ahalia School of Pharmacy and ended at Ahalia Women and Children’s Hospital. After that an awareness session on “Impact of drugs and alcohol” was held for the students. The programme started with welcome address by Dr. A.J.M. Christina, Chairman of YAAD. Presidential address was delivered by Dr. P.R Sreemahadevan Pillai, Director, Ahalia Group Academic Institutions. The program was inaugurated by lighting the lamp by Managing Trustee Ms. Sriya Gopal, Heads of the Institutions, YAAD Coordinators and student representative. An oath taking ceremony followed, in which all the participants took a pledge that they will never use abusive substance in their life. A presentation was also displayed which contained the activities conducted by the YAAD. Anti Drug awareness session was led by Dr Prem Narayanan, Consultant and Head, Department of Endocrinology, Ahalia Diabetes Hospital.
It was followed by Mime and dance performance by the students of Ahalia Ayurveda Medical College. Vote of thanks was delivered by Mr Roshan Sanu. Y, Convenor of YAAD. Program ended with the National Anthem.