The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, organized a one day faculty development programme on “Guidelines for Genuine Evaluation of Examination Answer Sheets”, for the faculty members of ASET and other institutions. The progrmame was organized in association with Ahalia Palakkad ISTE Chapter and conducted through google meet platform on 16-08-2020 from 04.00 pm to 05.30 pm. The session was handled by Dr. P. R. Sreemahadevan Pillai, Dean, University of Calicut and Director, Ahalia Group Academic Institutions. In the lecture, the role of teachers in evaluation of answer sheets, the concern from the University and its impact have been discussed. The exam camp structure, the duties of chief and additional examiners were explained. The number of answer scripts to be valued as per KTU guidelines was tabulated. The types of evaluation, factors affecting them were also addressed. 250+ participants registered and attended the programme, from various corners of the country. Participants submitted their feedback through online. Resource persons and the organizing team acknowledged the feedback of the participants. The programme was organized by the team headed by Dr. Murugananth Gopal Raj, Prof. & Head, assisted by Mr. A. Manickavasagam, Assistant Professor, EEE Department. Student’s team comprised of Ms. Saranya & Ms. Nivedha Menon S6 EEE.