Programs for Academic Counseling & Training: PACT-21, is a noble initiative of Ahalia School of Engineering & Technology to prepare students for the future education and career. The first webinar of the series was organised on the topic “Stress & Anxiety Management Techniques” on 14 February 2021. This is to equip the students to handle stress and anxiety induced by exams and other life events. The resource person, Mr. Parthasarathy, explained the ill-effects of stress on both physical and mental health and suggested coping techniques. More than 125 participants attended the event via Google Meet.
On 21 February, the second webinar of PACT-21 series was conducted on the topic : Influence of Diet & Hormones on our Thoughts. Dr. Ramalingam P. Kandaswamy, General Physician, Ahalia Diabetes Hospital, gave insights on how a simple dietary modification can help us stabilise our mood, thereby conditioning our thoughts and behaviour. 140 participants attended the event via Google Meet.
On 28 February, third webinar of PACT-21 series was conducted on the topic : How to Score Better in the Examination?. Dr. P. R. Sreemahadevan Pillai, Director, Ahalia Group Academic Institutions briefed about how brain stores and retrieves information, the importance of structuring the study time, memorising techniques, apportioning the time while writing the exams and how to view your answers through an invigilators eyes.170 participants attended the event.