The IEEE Student Branch, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (APS) Student Branch Chapter and IEEE Women In Engineering (WIE) Student Branch Affinity Group of Ahalia School of Engineering and Technology, Palakkad organized a webinar titled “Benefits of IEEE Student Membership” on 30 January 2021. This was attended by 64 students and 2 staff members (19 IEEE members). The resource person was Mr. Sreeshanth V. S., 2020 Malabar Hub Membership Development Coordinator The session was about IEEE including various benefits of IEEE Student Membership, IEEE at present, how to take student membership, various activities conducted worldwide etc. Overall, the students appreciated the session since it was a great source of information for the students . This event was coordinated by Mr. Anirudh K. (2nd year ECE) and Mr. Sankulesh Narayanan M. (2nd year ECE) .