The Department of Computer Science and Engineering conducted an online technical event on “Introduction to Block chain technology”. The resource person was Ms. Mrudula R., Associate Software Developer in UST Global. She is also a 2016-20 alumni of the CSE Dept. The function started at 4.00 p.m. with the welcome address of Dr. S. Gunasekaran, HOD/CSE. Students from fourth, third and second year of CSE attended the program. The resource person gave an introduction to Block Chain Technology, which is one of the modern trends in computer science. The session started with the basic knowledge of Block Chain and its working mechanism. After that the resource person talked about various cryptographic methods like symmetric key crypto system, public key crypto system, etc. During the session the resource person gave a clear idea about “Ethereum”. Ethereum is a technology that lets us send cryptocurrency to anyone for a small fee. The session concluded by mentioning some of the applications of block chain like Medichain, Propy. Mr. Thanveer Ansik Aliakbar (Association Chairman) gave the vote of thanks. The function came to an end at 5.00 p.m.