Department of Science and Humanities, Ahalia Palakkad ISTE Chapter and IEEE Student Branch jointly organized a one day Online Workshop on “Effective Communication” on 27th Feb’ 2021. The aim of this workshop was to equip the engineering graduates to meet with the required communication skill that is needed in the national and international industrial world. Prof. Dr. M. Swapna and Prof. E. K. Girisan were the resource persons for the workshop.
Prof. Dr. M. Swapna, Professor and Head, Department of English, Sri Krishna Adithya College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, Ph.D in English Literature, with over 12 years of experience, delivered the lecture on “Ace Your Communicative Competence”. The main emphasis of the workshop was stressed on the importance of oral and written communication in a professional world. In this era, communication skills are the salient element in the make-up of an engineer. The interaction enlightened the students with the use of correct English. Participants shed their inhibitions and actively participated in the workshop. The workshop ended on a pleasant note, benefitting both the student community and faculties by the professor’s rich knowledge and experience in life.
The second workshop on “Pillars of Effective Communication” opened with a brief discussion on interview skills and gave an idea for the students on how to prepare for a group discussion by Prof. E. K. Girisan , Associate Professor and Head, Department of BCA &IT, Sree Narayana Guru College, Coimbatore. The resource person encouraged the participants to communicate effectively, and provided a chance to identify their barriers in communication. He demonstrated an action plan to overcome barriers in communication. Communication is an indispensable tool in one’s life. The essence of this workshop is to provide the students’ with the needed proficiency and knowledge required in this competitive world. He advised the Students to develop the habit of reading novels, essays and poems in English language. He also urged them to develop the habit of speaking in English among themselves, especially when they are with their friends. Participants viewed the workshop as a refresher and the practical exercises allowed a better understanding of the subject.