The IEEE Student Branch, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Soceity (APS) Student Branch Chapter, IEEE Women In Engineering (WIE) SB Affinity Group of Ahalia School of Engineering and Technology Palakkad organized a competition titled “Know UR Community” for the second year students of the IEEE Student Branch on 30 December 2020. 18 IEEE members and 2 non-IEEE members attended the session. The competition required the participants to first identify the top five problems or challenges that people face in their locality and then present a solution to any one of the problems. Five teams (Pioneers, Solutrean, Saphire, Amigos, Little Stars) participated in this event, and their presentation topics were Financial Crisis, Water Scarcity, Smart Garbage Monitoring System, Energy Wasting in Street Lamps and Increase in Non-biodegradable Waste. The judges for the event were Prof. Prakash D. (HoD – Mechanical) and Prof. Kripa K. M. (HoD – Civil). Team Pioneers, consisting of Mr. Anirudh K. (2nd year ECE), Ms. Neha R. (2nd year ECE) and Mr. Sankulesh Narayanan M. (2nd year ECE), was judged as the winner of the event. The event was coordinated by Mr. Thejas S. (2nd year CSE) and Ms. Dharani T. (2nd year CSE).