An online speech competition ‘ARBEIT’ was conducted by the IEEE Student Branch of Ahalia School of Engineering and Technology (ASET), Palakkad in association with the IEEE Women in Engineering Student Branch Affinity Group and IEEE APS Student Branch Chapter on 1st May 2021. The competition was held to commemorate the International Labour Day. Four UG students (3 IEEE members) participated in the competition. The first place was won by Ms. Nithyasree S. (1st year, ECE, ASET). We received great support from our student branch and the faculty members without whom the event could not have been a monumental success. The judges for the event was Ms. Sangeetha P. S. (Asst. Professor, ASET). Overall, the event was well appreciated by the students who gave us very positive feedback and also requested us to conduct such events in future. The event was coordinated by Ms. Sisira R. Nair (2nd year, CSE) and Mr. Sreevalsan K. R. (1st year EEE).